How do I register?
If you would like to register your child we suggest that you call us to make an appointment for a visit first. We always like to make sure you have had an opportunity to see the setting first hand before deciding. If you have already visited previously, e-mail us or call for a registration pack, Buddies forms can be downloaded from our forms page.

Are you Ofsted registered?
Yes – All of our settings are registered with Ofsted. The Ofsted registration number can be found on our Ofsted report, which can be found on our ‘What Ofsted say’ page. Alternatively you can call the setting directly to gain this information.

Will I have to pay a deposit?
Yes, £40 for Funded only places – returnable after 1st term. £50 for Fee paying spaces including Buddies. Non-refundable.

When/How do I pay?
Fees are due monthly in advance and can be paid by cash, debit/credit card or BACS.
Details of our bank details can be found on your invoice.

You will be given an invoice at the end of the month for the following months fees. A few parents pay weekly and this is fine as long as you are in credit and not arrears.

What happens if I am delayed collecting my child?
Sometimes parents are unavoidably delayed.  Please let us know as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary concerns.  Arrangements will be made to look after your child until you arrive. In some circumstances a late charge of £10 per 15 minutes will be applied to your account, this is at the discretion of the Senior Management Team.

How do you settle in my child?
The staff at Sunbeams will discuss with you the best way to settle your child. Separating from you for the first time can be hard, but believe it or not it is usually much harder for you than them. All children are individuals, and some children find it easier to separate than others.

Our main intake in September we will settle the children in with our play and stay sessions. Children joining after the September intake with have individual settling in sessions. (Session 1 – 1 hour with parent and child) (Session 2 – I hour just child)

Further settling in session will be discussed if needed. Please be assured we would not let them stay upset for long. Most children settle down within a few minutes; any longer than 15 minutes and we will call you and ask you to come back sooner.

What is a key person? And will my child have one?
Each child is allocated a Key Person who will become your link to the pre-school/nursery.  The Key Person is responsible for recording and maintaining your child’s development record, and meeting with you termly to discuss their developmental progress and individual needs. We welcome parental contribution to support your child and this can be done through daily discussions and parent observations. This information is used to plan activities to aid your child’s development and learning. Prior to your child moving to school the Key Person will complete a ‘transition report’ which is shared with you before being sent to your child’s teacher.

Do I have to provide nappies?
Yes please.  Please provide nappies plus wipes and please ensure you use your child’s named Sunbeams bag which is provided to you at your settling in sessions.

What meal options are available?
The majority of our children have a healthy packed lunch from home – we can give you ideas for lunches in our welcome pack. Some of our full time children order hot meals through the school system. Please ask the office for more details.

My child has a dietary requirement, food allergy/intolerance – can you accommodate this?
We can accommodate for most dietary requirements. Please notify us by completing the relevant information on the registration document.

How do I access the nursery education funding?
When all children register at Sunbeams you will be asked to complete a Parent/Carer Declaration Form. Once your child is eligible for the funding we will automatically be paid by the borough. Changes to the sessions they attend may affect the claim and so have to be thought through in advance. As we are open 50 weeks a year you will be asked if you want to access us term time only or full time, as this will have an effect on your claim.

Do you accept childcare vouchers/Salary sacrifice schemes?
We are registered with several different voucher schemes, and so if your employer has offered this to you let us know the name of the voucher company and we can give you the information you need. If we are not registered with that particular company we will register to enable you to pay in this way.

What do I do if my child is ill?
By law we must keep an accurate record of children’s attendance. If your child is absent for any reason, please call and let us know the reason why. If your child is ill there are certain exclusion times which may apply, 48 hrs for diarrhoea and vomiting, 7-10 days for swine flu, but please clarify with us when reporting your childs absence. Unfortunately if your child is ill you will still have to pay for the session.

What if I want to change/Cancel my sessions?
We require 4 weeks notice of any changes, for Buddies breakfast, after school, holiday club and for Sunbeams pre-school/nursery

Are there extra fees to pay?
Yes, please see consumables charges on our fees pages for each setting.